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How to Help

Thank you for reaching out to help injured and sick animals in Pakistan. With your help, we can expand our work  work to relieve suffering and give care to animals who otherwise have no one. Whether you want to join in our street animal rescue mission by donating, volunteering, or spreading the word to your friends, animals waiting to be rescued will rejoice.


Throughout Pakistan, there are shockingly few shelters and rescue services for street animals almost do not exist. In most cities there is no hospital and no emergency helpline, for animals whether it is a dog hit by a car, or a donkey suffering from a wound dies a slow and excruciating death while the public looks on.


But we can stop this kind of life for community street animals. It doesn’t have to filled with misery, in fact it can be full of joy. Thanks to supporters like you, life for a street animal in Pakistan can be filled with hope. The IPSWS community helps prevent the deaths of dozens of animals every year and each rescue touches each of our rescuers deeply.


With this much momentum working in animal’s favor, there is so much more we can do to get help to injured animals even faster, provide even more care, and prevent life-threatening injuries from taking place in the first place.


Animals in Pakistan need all the help they can possibly get. Start saving lives today!

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